Teaching and Learning Resource Funding Scheme 2024 – 2026
Applications are invited for funding of the development of teaching and learning resources for Irish medium schools and for the teaching of Irish in all schools in ONLY the areas noted below:
- Teaching and learning resources, for example, digital solutions and games, which will support pupils and students with Special Educational Needs (SEN), in primary and post-primary in Gaeltacht and Irish-Medium schools and in schools teaching through English
- Newly composed reading material in different genres, for different age levels, at primary and post-primary which will attend to contemporary areas of interest for the pupils/students
- A series of picture books for senior classes (3-6) for a range of strands (Algebra, Shape & Space, Measurement, Data & Chance and Numeracy) to develop the subject, concepts and the language of Mathematics
- Picture books which are suitable for senior classes (3-6), which will support with the development and implementation of a range of comprehension strategies along with the promotion of critical literacy
- Resources which will support the teaching of Irish, in Gaeltacht and all-Irish primary schools as well as primary schools which teach through the medium of English
- Supports and resources for Transition Year programmes in post primary Gaeltacht and Irish-Medium schools
- Resources relating to the area of Wellbeing (including, CSPE, SPHE, and Physical Education) at primary and post-primary level.
Applications will be accepted at maoiniu@cogg.ie (in WORD documents)
Deadline for applications: No applications will be accepted after 4pm on Friday 5 April 2024